Monday, February 12, 2007

...not so easy...

The japanese class is fast paced and is taking a lot of effort from me to keep up with. Since this language is so different in the alphabet, the sound, the grammar - everything it is basically difficult to relate it and committ things to memory. I often wonder how the other students handle it in addition to a full class load. Personally I am doing the best that I can and dedicating as much time to it as possible. The homework is taking a lot of time but it is easy to follow and the repetition is helpfull. The vocabulary and the hiragana at this point are the most difficult aspects. I am having a hard time memorizing both but will continue to practice and put forth an effort.

1 comment:

Satomi said...

ごい(vocabrary)は たくさん あるので たいへんですよね。わたしは いまでも えいごで しらない たんごに たくさん であいます。
おたがい がんばりましょうね。